
We're here to elevate your business to new heights

Discover Your Potential, Define Your Future: Join Us on Your Career Odyssey.

We are eager to deliver our innovative solutions to you. Get in touch with us and meet our experienced team.



  • Starter

    £60 / month

  • Starter

    £660 / year



  • Growth

    £90 / month


    £140 / month


    £240 / month

  • Growth

    £990 / year


    £1540 / year


    £2640 / year



  • Starter

    £60 / month


  • Starter

    £660 / year


Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

Comprehensive bookkeeping services for all your business needs.

Bookkeeping Plus

Monthly analyses of business performance for strategic decision-making.

Business Insight Reports

Monthly analyses of business performance for strategic decision-making.

Business Insight Reports

Financial Health Check

Annual assessment to improve financial well-being and compliance.

Consultation via Video Call​

On-demand video meetings with our accounting experts.

1h / per year

Accounting Technologies

Advanced software for streamlined financial management.

Smart Accounting Software

Manage bills and receipts efficiently in one place.

Expense & Receipt Organizer

Yes - Dext

Create and manage invoices with ease, supporting multiple currencies.

Invoicing Solution

Integrate and manage bank feeds in multiple currencies.

Multi-Currency Bank Integration

Detailed monthly financial and management reports for your business.

Financial Reporting​

In-depth analysis of your financial statements and transactions.

Financial Analysis

Efficient tracking and management of outstanding payments.

Payment Management​

Seamless connection of your bank accounts and financial feeds.

Bank Account & Feed Integration​

Automated transaction matching and reconciliation using AI technology.

AI-Powered Reconciliation

Administrative Support

Preparation and submission of annual financial reports.

Annual Reports

Assistance with HMRC registration and corporate tax filings.

HMRC Registrations

Expert service for directors' self-assessment and tax filing.

Director’s Self-Assessment

Registration and management of PAYE for payroll processing.

PAYE Setup

Complete payroll services including director payroll and dividend planning.

Payroll for Directors

Add-ons (Optional)

Ensure compliance with the Construction Industry Scheme.

CIS Compliance

Use our address for your business correspondence and public records.

Registered Office Address

£100 / year

Assistance with business formation and corporate record-keeping.

Company Formation Assistance

£50 / company

Expanded payroll services including pension management.

Payroll for Employees

Support for VAT return filing and VAT registration.

VAT Return Filing

Provision of professional and mortgage references.

Accountant Reference Letter

1 per year

Mortgage Reference Letter

£100 per letter

Accounting services for e-commerce platforms and marketplace integration.

E-Commerce Accounting & Marketplace Integration

Additional package for handling high-volume transactions.

Enhanced Extra Transaction Package

VAT Registration Assistance

£100 / one of registration



  • Growth

    £90 / month



    £140 / month



    £240 / month


  • Growth

    £990 / year



    £1540 / year



    £2640 / year


Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping Plus

Comprehensive bookkeeping services for all your business needs.

1h / per month

2h / per month

4h / per month

Business Insight Reports

Monthly analyses of business performance for strategic decision-making.

Financial Health Check

Annual assessment to improve financial well-being and compliance.

Consultation via Video Call​

On-demand video meetings with our accounting experts.

3h / per year
6h / per year

12h / per year

Accounting Technologies

Advanced software for streamlined financial management.

Smart Accounting Software

Yes - Xero Standart

Yes - Xero Premium

Manage bills and receipts efficiently in one place.

Expense & Receipt Organizer

Yes - Dext

Yes - Dext

Yes - Dext

Create and manage invoices with ease, supporting multiple currencies.

Invoicing Solution

Integrate and manage bank feeds in multiple currencies.

Multi-Currency Bank Integration

Detailed monthly financial and management reports for your business.

Financial Reporting​

In-depth analysis of your financial statements and transactions.

Financial Analysis

Efficient tracking and management of outstanding payments.

Payment Management​

Seamless connection of your bank accounts and financial feeds.

Bank Account & Feed Integration​

Automated transaction matching and reconciliation using AI technology.

AI-Powered Reconciliation

Administrative Support

Preparation and submission of annual financial reports.

Annual Reports

Assistance with HMRC registration and corporate tax filings.

HMRC Registrations

Expert service for directors' self-assessment and tax filing.

Director’s Self-Assessment

Registration and management of PAYE for payroll processing.

PAYE Setup

Complete payroll services including director payroll and dividend planning.

Payroll for Directors

Add-ons (Optional)

Ensure compliance with the Construction Industry Scheme.

CIS Compliance

£30 per month

£30 per month
£30 per month

Use our address for your business correspondence and public records.

Registered Office Address

£100 / year

£100 / year
£100 / year

Assistance with business formation and corporate record-keeping.

Company Formation Assistance

£50 / company

£50 / company

£50 / company

Expanded payroll services including pension management.

Payroll for Employees

£5 / month per payrun

£5 / month per payrun

£5 / month per payrun

Support for VAT return filing and VAT registration.

VAT Return Filing

£30 / month

£30 / month

£30 / month

Provision of professional and mortgage references.

Accountant Reference Letter

Yes: 1 per year

Yes: 2 per year

Yes: 2 per year

Mortgage Reference Letter

£100 per letter

£100 per letter

£100 per letter

Accounting services for e-commerce platforms and marketplace integration.

E-Commerce Accounting & Marketplace Integration

£30 per month (Up to 200 transactions)

£60 per month (Up to 1000 transactions)

£120 per month (Up to 5000 transactions)

Additional package for handling high-volume transactions.

Enhanced Extra Transaction Package

£30 per extra 1000 Orders / Month

£30 per extra 1000 Orders / Month

£30 per extra 1000 Orders / Month

VAT Registration Assistance

£100 / one of registration

£100 / one of registration

£100 / one of registration